To Sir With Love * 언제나 마음은 태양 OST

2014. 1. 8. 06:25. 영화 OST 外






   To Sir With Love

        - Al Green & Vonda Shepard

Those schoolgirl days of telling tales and biting nails are gone
But in my mind I know they will still live on and on
But how do you thank someone who has taken you from crayons to perfume?
It isn't easy, but I'll try

If you wanted the sky
I would write across the sky in letters
That would soar a thousand feet high
`To Sir, With Love'



                  Vonda Shepard


The time has come for closing books and long last looks must end
And as I leave I know that I am leaving my best friend
A friend who taught me right from wrong and weak from strong
That's a lot to learn, but what can I give you in return?


If you wanted the sky
I would write across the sky in letters
That would soar a thousand feet high
`To Sir, With Love' 



                              Al Green

                                                     To Sir With Love

                                                                                                      그 시절은 가버렸어요

                                                                                                 책을 덮고 익숙했던 시선들도
                                                                                                       더 이상 볼 수 없어요

                                                                                    그리고 교정을 떠나게 됐을 때 옳고 그름을,

                                                                                             강인함과 나약함을 가르쳐 주신

                                                                                                     가장 친한 친구였던
                                                                                            선생님을 보내야 한다는 걸 알았죠


                                                                                                   당신의 커다란 가르침을
                                                                                        무엇으로, 무엇으로 보답 할 수 있을까요
                                                                                                   하늘의 달을 원하신다면
                                                                                                  기꺼이 그렇게 해드릴께요

                                                                                                 하지만 그 보다는 제 마음을
                                                                                         사랑하는 선생님께 보내 드리고 싶어요
                                                                                              서로를 비방하고 손톱을 깨물던
                                                                                                  여학교 시절을 가버렸지만
                                                                                                  그 기억은 내 마음 속에서
                                                                                                     사라지지 않을 거에요 

                                                                                        크레용으로 그림을 그리던 철부지에서
                                                                                         향수를 뿌리는 숙녀로 키워준 당신께
                                                                                                어떻게 감사를 해야 할까요
                                                                                               쉽지 않겠지만 노력하겠어요

                                                                                                      하늘을 원하신다면
                                                                                          수 천 피트 높이의 하늘을 가로 질러
                                                                                                   사랑하는 선생님께라고
                                                                                                        글씨를 쓰겠어요.




                                                                   '루루'의 "언제나 마음은 태양" OST